Water scarcity fuels global tensions. Prioritizing cooperation and effective management can address this. Our research and advocacy bridge interests for mutual benefit.

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Water scarcity fuels global tensions. Prioritizing cooperation and effective management can address this. Our research and advocacy bridge interests for mutual benefit.

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Water scarcity fuels global tensions. Prioritizing cooperation and effective management can address this. Our research and advocacy bridge interests for mutual benefit.

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Water scarcity fuels global tensions. Prioritizing cooperation and effective management can address this. Our research and advocacy bridge interests for mutual benefit.

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OIC Vision

Working together for a water secure future

INWRDAM and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)  water vision share a vision of alignment and collaboration aimed at promoting sustainable water management across member states and beyond. The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Water Vision 2013-2025, was adopted by the 2nd Islamic Conference of Ministers Water authority, held in Istanbul in March 2012, calls for knowledge sharing, collaborative  research activities and management support amongst OIC water knowledge centers.

The OIC Water Portal documents the progress  achieved in implementing the OIC Water Vision, including water-related news from other OIC subsidiary organizations. It is designed to develop and foster greater cooperation and collaboration between OIC Member States to achieve the OIC Water Vision of “working together for a water-secure future”.

INWRDAM contributes to realizing the OIC's water vision by conducting research, advocating for effective policies, and implementing projects that promote sustainable water management. As a think and do tank and operational body, INWRDAM supports the OIC's goals through practical initiatives and capacity-building activities.

Through its collaboration with the OIC and its member states, INWRDAM ensures that its efforts are aligned with the broader water vision of the organization. This collaboration guarantees that INWRDAM's activities are consistent with and contribute to achieving the OIC's objectives in water resource development and management.

Learn More about OIC Water Vision

Stay informed with the latest updates from the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on water-related initiatives and developments. OIC news section covers key topics such as water security, sustainable management practices, and efforts among member states. .


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